Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Menu plan Tuesady... Again

Again, I'm a day late... and no excuse this time other then work. this is what we are having this week!

Sunday- Taco bake
Monday- Vet's day (Golden Corral)
Tuesday- Chili
Wednesday- Awana's night
Thursday- Seasoned chicken
Friday- Parents night out (TWILIGHT)
Saturday- Pullen pork sandwiches

linking up with Org Junkie


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Menu plan Tuesday!

Well, I'm a day late again! I have a good excuse tho, Ashlyn (my daughter) was sick and stayed home from school... so this is what we are having for supper this week!

Sunday- Tacos beans and rice
Monday- Chicken and dumplins
Tuesday- Something with hamburger ( still looking)
Wednesday- Awana's night
Thursday- Sweet and sour chicken
Friday- Steaks and potatoes
Saturday- Pulled pork

linking up with Org Junkie
